So... to begin this whole blogging thing, I will tell you a little about me and my perspective as a birth mom in the open adoption process. By process, I really mean gift, because that is what this amazing journey has been! A total gift from God! I would not have it any other way. :) It is such a blessing to know my little one is in good hands and getting the best out of life.
So anyways, I am about a little less than a month away from turning 18 now, but when I first found out I was going to be expecting my little angel, I was only 16. As you can only imagine, it was a scary and stressful time. Nothing at that age is really quite certain or stable, at least in my case. I couldn't even afford my license, let alone diapers! Sure there are all these different financial aid stuff for young, single moms, but even if I could have made it financially stable, emotionally and mentally I was sooooo not ready! Yes, of course, I loved my baby with all my heart and thought long and hard on what would be best. It was difficult, and in the beginning I went back and forth on the decision of parenting vs. adoption. I had so many amazing people supporting me in my life. I knew I wanted to be in my daughters life, and show her first hand how much I loved her. I wanted to always be there for her, and be a role model for her. I wanted to be her mother. I wanted her to call me mommy. But the reality of the situation was that I just didn't have the means to give my girl what she needed in life. At least not then. I didn't want her to suffer because of the decisions that rested in my hands. (Big decisions for a 16/17 year old!)
So long story short, I met with probably the world's most amazing adoption worker and we sat down to discuss things. She was a wonderful lady, who didn't persuade me one way or the other. In fact, when I first met her she encouraged me to become very educated about both choices. In fact, pretty much everyone did. To say I have wonderful people in my life is an understatement, but praise God, the glory goes to him completely!
After meeting with my adoption worker, we eventually came to the conclusion adoption was the best choice for my baby.(and me too it turns out!) She noted how I wanted a very (very) open adoption. She gave me some home studies and after meeting with the final two families I had singled out, I had finally found the one!
The minute I first met my baby's now adoptive family, I pretty much knew they were the ones. We clicked right away from day one all the way through the time it came to give them my child.
They were the most patient, loving family and totally right. It was a God given match of families made in heaven! I felt so at peace that they loved my child as much as I did.
So through seeing each other at our best and our worst, through the laughs, smiles, tears, and much more, we have pretty much all become one big happy family! My baby will now have 4 whole sets of grandparents, 2 mommies, and I don't even know how many aunts, uncles and cousins! But that is just the way we like it! People may question us, and I admit it is different. But I have actually discovered there are a lot of other families willing to do open adoptions as well! Which is good news for any other fellow birth moms finding themselves in the same situation as myself.
It is so amazing what happens when you trust in the LORD! So many miracles throughout this whole experience! And a whole lot of love!! :)
See...isn't L wonderful!! I really love this girl! Keep trusting the Lord L. He is good and has great plans for your future. ~ C